Selection in Modeling Tools

Unlike the standard behavior in Houdini, all Modeler tools in component selection mode treat an empty selection as a command to select the entire geometry. Isolated faces are ignored in the process. This allows to quickly apply tools to the entire model without manually selecting all components.

The Select Radial Menu

The primary set of component selection tools is stored in the Select radial menu, which by default opens with the ` (backtick) hotkey. This menu offers smart selection mode switching.

How it works: Imagine you applied the Extrude tool to some faces. This activates the Extrude viewer state, highlighting the front part of the extruded faces. Now, if you open the Select radial menu and choose Faces, the viewer will switch to selection state, and the highlighted components will become selected. Selecting Faces again will clear the selection. If, in the Extrude state, you select Points, the highlighted faces will be converted into points, and selecting Points from menu again will also clear the selection.




Additional Selection Tools from the Select shelf

The Select shelf provides additional tools that extend the functionality of selection and object management: