- Fixed an issue where the Set Keymap tool menu would appear on a different monitor than the one where the tool was launched.
- Fixed viewport camera alignment in the Solaris context.
- The Set Keymap tool ****now displays a menu for selecting keymaps instead of a clunky wide window.
- The Points, Edges, and Faces tools from the radial menu are now also available on the Modeler Select shelf, allowing users to assign hotkeys if desired.
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to increase the number of bridge divisions in PolyPen when the bridge creates a triangle.
- Added information to the left side of the viewport in PolyPen about adjusting the angle affecting point deletion after removing an edge.
- Changed the Slide tool hotkey to Alt+T, freeing up the Y hotkey, which cycles the handle type in Houdini.
- Added the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+T for the To Template tool.
- Added the Clean Points tool to the context menus for edges and faces.
- When activating the Crease mode in PolyBevel and Bevel nodes via Parm Slider, the Slide on Ring Edges parameter is now set to Auto, which is often better suited for the Crease mode.
- Fixed a very rare issue related to plane parallelism occurring in Modeler tools when working in orthographic viewport mode.
- The leftward gesture in the context menu now activates the Loop Slice tool instead of Delete.